Shepherd Lord's Lunch

First cooked beside the River Wharfe near Barden Tower 
by the spectacular and highly dangerous
TIN CAN and BLOW LAMP method.

About half to one pound of Lamb neck.
You will need a large (four pint) ideally cast iron casserole.
A thoroughly cleaned milk churn lid has been known to be used in the wild.
Some clean, fresh water.
Walk a mile up river to make sure there are no dead bodies floating around.
Gather in the forest, a ‘dish for spring time’, stems,
leaves and flowers of wild Ransoms.
A large fist full should do.
Firstly beg, steal or borrow a quantity of potatoes.
Wash but do not peel.
In your travel bag, find some mixed herbs,
a little Spanish Rain, dripping, pepper and salt.
As with the potatoes so with some tomatoes.
Turn your oven to 350F.
Cut potatoes roughly into scallops.
Mix Spanish Rain, herbs and salt with some water.
Don't forget pepper.
In a frying pan, pop in the dripping and heat well,
adding a small amount of cubed Lamb at a time.
Line the bottom of the casserole with a layer of potato.
Now a layer of tomato, then some Lamb.
Continue in this way, also adding herb mixture and chopped garlic.

For the magic touch, this dish may be topped off with
mushrooms before putting in oven.
Cook until meat is tender and serve with a flagon of ale.

To save accidents, the recipe is readjusted for more conventional cooking equipment. NB. For Spanish Rain think Eliza Doolittle.